Rich Furniss And N2N Team Up With Quincy Boy Records For Massive Plans In 2023 [Exclusive Interview]

December 13, 2022 -

Justin Angle

Founded by the musical visionary known as LEFTI, Brooklyn house label Quincy Boy Records has been on an absolute tear since its emergence. This year alone, Quincy Boy has had numerous tracks rise to the top of the charts on Traxsource. With heaters like LEFTI's "Lightning" and his collab with Selena Faider, "Party People", the label's following has exponentially grown in 2022. Spreading its groove disco sound to all corners of the Earth, Quincy Boy has garnered the support of BBC Radio 1, along with top-tier artists like Mark Knight, David Guetta, and Claptone.

Fueled by its mission of furthering its impact in dance music, Quincy Boy has joined forces with incredible NY-based DJ and producer Rich Furniss. Over his commendable career, Rich has performed with some of the most iconic names in music, such as Diplo, Chromeo, and Rich Ross. Additionally, he has blessed crowds with his captivating stage presence at Mayhem Fest, Governers Ball, Miami Art Basel, and many more widely cherished events.

Along with LEFTI, Rich will be accompanied by prominent artist N2N in taking Quincy Boy to the next level. On top of landing a monthly residency at NYC's acclaimed Pony Boy nightclub, Rich and LEFTI have a highly anticipated collab coming out in February. Then in March, LEFTI and N2N will drop a sensation project. Proceeding with this exciting release, the thrilling Quincy Boy Compilation will showcase the label's eclectic house style in April. Putting their creativity and musical expertise together, Rich, LEFTI, and Quincy Boy Records, have monumental ventures in place for 2023.

Rich Furniss took the time out to talk about his career, the label, and more.

Rich Furniss Exclusive Interview

It's been a busy and successful year for you in 2022, how are you feeling as the year ends?

This year has been a dream, a roller coaster ride, an adventure. When I decided to start my “Rich Furniss” project it was about putting myself out there. It was the first project, musically, in 15 years that was truly me. It was about no longer hiding behind an alias or being part of a group. Every record I have put out this year has a deep and personal meaning to me and my journey. Whenever you do that you leave yourself very “exposed” and “vulnerable.” I am thankful for all the people around me that have been supportive, given me feedback, and pushed me to keep getting better. Without the family that I have built over the last decade, none of this would be possible. Overall I’m just thankful for the people I have around me and for having the ability to do what I love.

What is your process for finding labels that are a fit for you?

I make the music first that connects with me, either in that moment or from a distinct memory. This can sometimes be tough when pitching to labels. I know a lot of my friends will make a song with a specific label in mind. 

Once a record is done I listen through some of my sets and see what songs and labels this might fit. I want to release labels that I love, labels that have music I already play.

Where would you say you draw your inspiration from that influences your direction of house music?

I love music, and I tell everyone I am truly the happiest when I’m playing records and exposing people around me to new sounds. This stems all the way back to middle school playing songs off my old boombox on the playground. Not all that music is house and I think I pull influences from other genres into my music now. 

Also, As I said before all my music is really driven by a feeling or a moment in time. Music is healing, it is storytelling. That story is not just told through lyrics or vocals it can be told through tones, rhythms, and structure. In my mind putting that emotion into my songs puts a part of myself out there for other people to connect with.

You have well over 100,000 streams to your name and are sustaining over 10K in monthly followers since Fall of last year. Were there key moments, looking back, that helped position things to where they are at today?

There were a few key moments in that for me. First I think having the time during the pandemic to really work on craft and understand my sound. For a few months I spent time making 1 song a day. Now most of these songs were not great and didn’t go anywhere but it really gave me the time to home in on my skills and understand what worked for me.

The Second thing was just putting that first record out into the world. It’s always scary to start something new and just taking that leap was big for me. Working with my good friend Apollo XO made the process a lot easier. We work very well together and have a handful of records done together for next year.

Lastly, I think putting my first record out with a label was a big step for me. Lefti, the founder of Quincy Boy, has always been someone I look up to as a producer. His taking the chance with me on their Quincy Boy compilations and seeing how well that record did really pushed me and my music to the next level. 

What helps you get in a creative space to kick off and finish up productions?

I have learned over the last few years I defiantly have a zone whenever I work on anything creatively. First off I almost always work better at night starting the creative process. It’s when my world is the quietest and I’m the most by myself. Even with tracks, I collab with someone I like to start with an idea alone to get in my zone and then bring ideas. I will almost always have something on the TV in the background, my favorites are planet earth or anything space related. I’ll have a giant bottle of water with lemon, a Diet Coke, and sometimes a large cold brew. Snacks are a must and I’m usually rocking a big thing of trail mix next to me. That's mostly all for starting a project.

To finish a project I need a feeling of pressure and a deadline. I need that rush of getting something done. I always have worked best with a deadline. I love that feeling of pressure.

How did you link up with Quincy Boy Records and where do you think the label is headed in 2023?

I first linked up with Lefti back a few years ago when I had a group called Passè. He had worked on a few records I really loved and I reach out to him on IG. He was so real and down to earth, we jumped in the studio a few days later. He started the label a few years later and has always taken the time to listen to songs I’ve been working on and give feedback. We started DJing together and became great friends. 

I told him I wanted to help and we started making plans for 2023, along with a good friend N2N. 2023 is going to be an exciting and fast pasted year. We plan to bump up the number of releases on the label, we have some great events planned. The goal is to keep putting out the music we love and connecting with people both in the Dj booth and on the dance floor.

How are you feeling about 2023?

Excited! I have so many exciting releases in store for 2023, a great collaboration with some amazing artists and friends. Songs that I’m really excited about and have been test-driving at a lot of my gigs already. Collaborations with Lefti, Apollo XO, Terry Hunter, Ron Caroll Jesse Jonez, and so many more. I have some amazing events planned in New York and beyond. I’m just excited to share what I love and keep building a family of great people around me. 


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