"Land Of Dreams," is a vibrant single brought to the world by talented musician Zoe Xandra. Broadly down the same pipeline of artists such as Lennon Stella and Maggie Rogers, the many influences within the song has helped it become labeled 'highly original' and epitomizes the type of sounds that Zoe Xandra has been known to share. Indie, alt-pop, and a splash of her own style begins to describe what's within "Land Of Dreams."
A bit of a family venture, Zoe Xandra wrote the song with her in-laws and her own brother, Everett James, produced the single as well. The vibe strings from a bittersweet moment in Xandra's life, which is seemingly why there's so much passion infused within the track, (yet passion-filled music is nothing new for her.)
If you like what this song has to offer, listen back to winners such as 'Blah Blah," and "Halfway Bad," she has quite the lexicon of sounds to offer, all of which that are time-testing and well-meaning.