Few got it like Emorifik does. At the ripe age of 20, he's built up a unique and loyal fanbase, has many releases scoring solid numbers on the streaming front, and has earned himself a 35-stop tour across the USA - which he is in the middle. He shares bits and pieces of life on the road via his social media, where he's clearly in a state of bliss and gratefulness for how much he's succeeded in a relatively short amount of time.
One single he's been teasing on his TikTok live sets is "Time," a tune which commenters have repeatedly asked for the full version of. The moment has come where Emorfik has self-released the complete song, showcasing a dynamic pallet of sounds and effects.
The percussion keeps the structure and flow of the experience well-on rhythm, while a chaotic, yet highly entertaining amount of sound bites are throw in. There isn't much rudimental about the process going on here, you simply don't know whats coming next once it's understood the lengths of creativity the solo DJ/producer is willing to go to bring out a unique vibe in this one.
Listen for yourself below and grab some tickets for the Emorfik tour while the shows are still going on.