Each boasting a fanbase that reaches across the world "Follow Me," is the birthchild of two extremely talented artists. Both Sam Feldt and Rita Ora are at the top of their game in their cultural compartments they are in, yet now they are generating a crossover that capitalizes and compounds their potential onto one catchy track.
Sam Feldt holds down the production end of the tune, while Rita Ora tears it up with a incredible vocal inclusion. If this is your first time hearing the song, it certainly won't be your last. Expect follow me to be heard on the autoplay feature via streaming channels, on radio, satellite, live events and beyond - it just has that all-inclusive feel.
“For me, ‘Follow Me’ is all about being there for a special someone, and sticking with them even when times get tough. Working with Rita on this one was a dream come true. I’ve been a fan of her voice and work for a long time, so I love the fact we were finally able to do a song together. The whole process, from writing the song to filming the music video in the California desert, was so much fun and I hope this resonates in the track for the listener!”
- Sam Feldt
Considering Sam Feldt and Rita Ora are far from 1 hit wonders, have billions of streams under their belt, performed events globally, and are just generally hard-core hustlers determined to make a bigger impact on music culture, "Follow Me was simply meant to be.