DEMUR is back with another Position Music release via No Time To Die EP. The collection is a total of 5 song and blends together DEMUR's signature bass sound with taste of rock/blues/southern rock for good measure. The influence of sound that helped give this EP it's personality comes from Bradley Denniston, who both did vocals on all songs and helped write the EP.
"Ransom," holds nothing back from the start, featuring rattling power brought to life by thick basslines and rugged vocals. "No Time To Die," magnifies what the first track introduced, upping the intensity while maintaining stead fast with the theme at hand. "Out for Blood," gets different by pulling back a bit and displaying more vulnerability. The track gives a feeling of looking inward while still maintaining dark sensibilities that DEMUR is known for. "Cold," approaches with a more experimental angle, a level of detail and complexity being brought out to the forefront. "End of The World," acts as an proper closer, containing an anthemic vibe, that leads the listener to reflect on the experience that was brought before them.
No Time To Die EP follows two 2021 EP's Call of the Void and Reckless Abandon. With every EP comes a new theme, each of the above mentioned EP's all having memorable traits that make the DEMUR experience worth joining.