"Miss Effy," is a not-to-be-missed energy brought to you by the young and endearing Effayé. Passion oozes from the production from start to finish, Effayé generating a vibe here that has global appeal and hit's all the right pleasure points.
Effayé speaks what's on here mind. "Tequila," embodying these qualities - her previous single - and now "Miss Effy," also sharing a similar setting. What you get from this emerging artist is honesty, directness, and a fresh sense that there is no BS when it comes to what she is about.
She grew up in Sweden and was inspired by a wide range of powerful women, including Shakira, Brittany Spears, and other superstars. There independence and entrepreneurship planting a seed in her which would forever change her course in life - toward music.
"Miss Effy," is a great finale to the year and we can't wait to hear more from this artist.