"Gemini Eyes" takes advantage of all the talents within Drishti Beats. The vibrant single features several instruments intersecting at one time in a highly harmonious manner. The vibe delivers something therapeutic and pleasurable to say the least, while showcasing genres like dub, electronic, and experimentalism all in one go. The vocal work layered on top truly hits the spot, giving a soft and sensual focal point for the other parts to glide around.
The track is in collaboration with the drummer of Thievery Corporation, ETHNO aka Jeff Franca, who co-produced the track as well, adding more to the collage of collaborations going on here.
Not too far off from the sonic themes of their previous releases, but not too close where, "Gemini Eyes," risks sounding generic, Drishti Beats hits the spot in more ways than one here.
Drishti Beats' schtick combines a yoga class concept and blends it in with a live-band feel that gets down-right trippy. Their music platforms on a genre-hybrid feel that takes in downtempo, electronic, jam-band, and more to wrap together something that's totally their own. Uniquely, this is a family band, the group was founded by Lori and Jeremy, who are husband and wife, but include daughter Ariel and son Alec as well. Not in the family, but intrinsic to the totality of the group is Ricardo Branco, and violinist Carol Carson. As one, they form a fiercely original group that is like no other. Drishti Beats is far from a secret to the world, with performances under their belt that include EDC Las Vegas and Mysteryland, as well as over a million plays to their name across their discography. This imaginative 6-piece goes above and beyond the call of duty, getting seriously creative with the opportunity that fate has provided them.