Chris Shimanoff, better known as Cryptochronica, hails from Oahu, Hawaii, where the reggae and dub scene first sparked his musical journey. Inspired by the island's vibrant culture and Hawaiian pidgin slang, he crafted his unique moniker. Shimanoff started making music as a teenager, driven by a desire for diverse, dynamic tracks that kept his workouts engaging. His evolution from these early days is evident in his one-of-a-kind style today.
Cryptochronica's rise in the music world has been impressive. His previous releases have built a solid fanbase, showcasing his ability to blend raw energy with sounds that people simply get down to. This is built right into his latest work, "Deconstruct." The EP highlights his radical minimalism approach, stripping back elements to create a fresh auditory experience.
"Deconstruct" is a thrilling ride through Cryptochronica's 'sexadellic bass' world. Each track offers a unique journey, from the instantly hooking opener to the climactic energy of the follow-ups. Shimanoff's experimentation with radical minimalism shines through, providing listeners with a fresh, immersive experience that redefines bass music. This EP is sure to win over both longtime fans and new listeners alike, leaving them eager for more.